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Sorted by: 12, 2009
When It Comes to Content, Author is the Authority!
Friday, December 18, 2009 | Posted by Aaron Goldman
At SES Chicago I was interviewed along with with Marshall Clark for Webmaster Radio discussing "Social Search and Distributive Reputation Systems" -- which is fancy for evaluation of content or, as Marshall calls it, "Page Rank for People." In this 7-minute clip, we discuss the various social media signals the search engines should be incorporating into their algorithms to improve relevancy. In a nutshell, the idea is that, when determining authority for a particular asset, the person who created the content should be weighted more heavily than the page on which …
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Digital Marketing / Search Engine Marketing / Press / Press Mentions

10 Tips for Maximizing Your Digital Marketing Programs
Wednesday, December 16, 2009 | Posted by Aaron Goldman

Image Source - Sony Pictures Digital Inc.
There's been plenty of chatter lately over who will survive 2012 but that's two whole years aways! What are you doing to prepare for 2010? From a digital marketing perspective, that is.
MediaPost recently published its annual "Survival Guide" -- a collection of articles geared towards specific segments to help them prosper in the coming year. I shared my thoughts for the guide for agencies and the guide for CMOs. The excerpts with my POV are below (note: …
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Digital Marketing / Tips and Tricks / Press / Press Mentions

One Milestone Down, Many More To Go
Tuesday, December 8, 2009 | Posted by Aaron Goldman
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Last week brought news that Microsoft and Yahoo officially signed the contract to have Bing power Yahoo search. I, like many in the space, thought that this already happened when Ballmer and Bartz used that goofy oversized Yahoo pen back in July to sign a stack of papers. Turns out that was just a letter of intent.
While this is an important milestone in the Bingoo saga, there are still a number of interesting plotlines that need to play out. I …
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Press / Press Mentions