Connectual Blog
Riffing on what it's like to be Connectual...
Look Ma, I'm the Mayor of Monetization!
Monday, May 10, 2010 | Posted by Aaron Goldman
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Today I was cited in a MediaPost story about ads on Foursquare.
As reporter, Laurie Sullivan, points out, currently Foursquare "offers an advertising platform for merchants that allow brands to promote specials, but it doesn't target mobile ads. The platform allows companies to claim their business to run promotions on the site. Through geo-tags, people within a specific geographic radius will see the specials."
In prepping this piece, Laurie asked me some if I thought advertisers would sponsor check-ins. My response is …
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Digital Marketing / Press / Press Mentions

Let's Turn that Virtual Currency into Real World Cashish
Thursday, May 6, 2010 | Posted by Aaron Goldman

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The June issue of Consumer Reports includes warnings about sharing personal information via Facebook due to risk of identity theft and other crimes. MediaPost had the scoop and asked various marketing wonks, myself included, on the implications for marketers if people limit their disclosure on social networks.
I took the opportunity to suggest that Facebook encourage people to share their data directly with marketers in exchange for cash, an idea I've been championing ever since running a personal experiment …
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Digital Marketing / Press / Press Mentions