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Category: Digital Marketing
Deep Blue Would be Proud... and Broke!
Monday, August 16, 2010 | Posted by Aaron Goldman
On Friday, the big news in digital marketing was the IBM Unica acquisition for $480 million. See WSJ coverage. Unica provides what it calls Enterprise Marketing Management (EMM) or Marketing Resource Management (MRM) services. Here's a quick excerpt from Unica's corporate brochure:
"Offering the only EMM solution to cover the entire marketing cycle – from analyzing and planning to designing, producing, executing, and measuring – Unica's Affinium software suite provides an unprecedented level of integration, unmatched functionality, and extensive marketing automation capabilities."
Sounds pretty good, right? Who wouldn't want something unprecedented, unmatched, and extensive??
Below is a schematic that speaks to Unica's …
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Digital Marketing / Press / Press Mentions

...And So Can You!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010 | Posted by Aaron Goldman

Aaron Goldman's new Google book is now available. In it, he shares 20 "Googley Lessons" from the world's most ubiquitous brand to help marketers better engage their customers and prospects.
Here's all the information you need to know including where to buy and how to interact with the Googley community...
Googley Lessons website - contains the full introduction, executive summaries of each chapter, behind the scenes info on the blog and much more!
GoogleyLessons Facebook page - includes …
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Posted In:
Digital Marketing / Google

Look Ma, I'm the Mayor of Monetization!
Monday, May 10, 2010 | Posted by Aaron Goldman
Original Image Source
Today I was cited in a MediaPost story about ads on Foursquare.
As reporter, Laurie Sullivan, points out, currently Foursquare "offers an advertising platform for merchants that allow brands to promote specials, but it doesn't target mobile ads. The platform allows companies to claim their business to run promotions on the site. Through geo-tags, people within a specific geographic radius will see the specials."
In prepping this piece, Laurie asked me some if I thought advertisers would sponsor check-ins. My response is …
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Digital Marketing / Press / Press Mentions

Let's Turn that Virtual Currency into Real World Cashish
Thursday, May 6, 2010 | Posted by Aaron Goldman

Image Source
The June issue of Consumer Reports includes warnings about sharing personal information via Facebook due to risk of identity theft and other crimes. MediaPost had the scoop and asked various marketing wonks, myself included, on the implications for marketers if people limit their disclosure on social networks.
I took the opportunity to suggest that Facebook encourage people to share their data directly with marketers in exchange for cash, an idea I've been championing ever since running a personal experiment …
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Digital Marketing / Press / Press Mentions

Apple Tries to Put on the Hurt
Friday, April 16, 2010 | Posted by Aaron Goldman
Earlier this week, Laurie Sullivan from MediaPost asked me for my POV on Google hiring Mark DeLoura in the role of "Developer Advocate."
My 2 cents is shared in Lauries's post titled, "Is Google's Next Big Thing Video Games?"
Below is the blurb. What follows are my thoughts on Google, gaming, apps, Apple, and the iAd platform.
Between the iPhone OS and Android, the world should expect to see Apple and Google continue to duke it out in the mobile marketplace. "The key to success will become encouraging developers to innovate on their platforms," says Aaron …
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Digital Marketing / Google / Press / Press Mentions

Winter Storm Moves South From Mountain View
Thursday, February 11, 2010 | Posted by Aaron Goldman

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Last Sunday was a cold day in Hell, indeed. Not only did the company that's never needed to advertise throw down a cool couple mil. for a Super Bowl ad but it chose to promote the one product in its arsenal that didn't need the exposure.
My brother, David, and I shared our POV's -- yes, SEM runs deep in the Goldman DNA -- with MediaPost for its recap of Google's showing in the big game. More commentary after the excerpt...
Some …
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Posted In:
Digital Marketing / Google / Press / Press Mentions

When It Comes to Content, Author is the Authority!
Friday, December 18, 2009 | Posted by Aaron Goldman
At SES Chicago I was interviewed along with with Marshall Clark for Webmaster Radio discussing "Social Search and Distributive Reputation Systems" -- which is fancy for evaluation of content or, as Marshall calls it, "Page Rank for People." In this 7-minute clip, we discuss the various social media signals the search engines should be incorporating into their algorithms to improve relevancy. In a nutshell, the idea is that, when determining authority for a particular asset, the person who created the content should be weighted more heavily than the page on which …
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Posted In:
Digital Marketing / Search Engine Marketing / Press / Press Mentions

10 Tips for Maximizing Your Digital Marketing Programs
Wednesday, December 16, 2009 | Posted by Aaron Goldman

Image Source - Sony Pictures Digital Inc.
There's been plenty of chatter lately over who will survive 2012 but that's two whole years aways! What are you doing to prepare for 2010? From a digital marketing perspective, that is.
MediaPost recently published its annual "Survival Guide" -- a collection of articles geared towards specific segments to help them prosper in the coming year. I shared my thoughts for the guide for agencies and the guide for CMOs. The excerpts with my POV are below (note: …
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Posted In:
Digital Marketing / Tips and Tricks / Press / Press Mentions

Why Murdoch's Threats Don't Scare Google
Wednesday, November 25, 2009 | Posted by Aaron Goldman
Image Source
Earlier this week, the Financial Times set the search world abuzz by reporting that Microsoft was in discussions with News Corp to compensate it for removing content from the Google index while still making it available it to Bing.
When I first heard about this potential deal, I posted my reaction on Digital Sea Change -- Search Wars: Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures. My POV was also cited in two MediaPost articles (excerpts below). I won't rehash all my points here but …
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Posted In:
Digital Marketing / Search Engine Marketing / Google / Press / Press Mentions

Can Google Have the Money and the AdMob?
Monday, November 16, 2009 | Posted by Aaron Goldman
Last week Google announced that it was acquiring mobile ad firm AdMob for $750 million in stock. Google also set up one of its trusty microsites to provide more info about the deal and begin the proactive lobbying lest anyone accuse it of being anti-competitive.
As always, Laurie Sullivan at Media Post was on top of the news and had coverage of the deal published a scant four hours later. In it, she included my initial reaction to the news. Here's the excerpt. Stay tuned for more analysis and …
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Posted In:
Digital Marketing / Google / Press / Press Mentions

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